French Forever Team (FFT)
Join the group
Salut à tous et à toutes.
Ici à fond derrière nos frenchies, mais aussi fan du tennis en globalité.
Que le meilleur gagne que ce soit un compatriote ou autres.
Pronostiquez, Pronostiquons.
Ensemble voyons plus grand.
Rejoignez nous.
Plaisir, convivialité et amour du bon jeu.
ច 22
raquette67 left the group
ព្រ 7
Broniouse joined the group
សុ 9
Broniouse left the group
ពុ 31
tsongamania joined the group
អា 29
bentalay joined the group
សុ 20
maxime le rohellec joined the group
ពុ 16
legeranium26 joined the group
អា 16
raquette67 joined the group
អ 11
Carmeloo joined the group
អា 2
la_truffe left the group
ពុ 15
Chevalier left the group
អ 14
Chevalier joined the group
ច 29
Tous derrière les bleus joined the group
សុ 26
La french army joined the group
ព្រ 25
nos p´tits bleus joined the group
ព្រ 25
Allez les bleus joined the group
អ 23
richie gasquet joined the group
សុ 19
la_truffe joined the group
ពុ 10
wadjonad33 joined the group
ច 1
ante92330 left the group
អ 19
Broniouse joined the group
ពុ 6
ante92330 joined the group
ពុ 6
ante92330 left the group
ពុ 6
ante92330 joined the group
សុ 27
Chevalier left the group
សុ 27
Chevalier joined the group
អា 15
DeadOfTennis joined the group
អា 15
SwaggyGirl joined the group
ស 7
texphilou joined the group
អ 20
freehair joined the group
សុ 16
callimi92 joined the group
ព្រ 15
le_kid joined the group
ពុ 14
Brisco joined the group
អ 13
jops85 joined the group
អ 13
cedrico has created the group
They are in the group